Monday, September 22, 2008

Same ol', same ol'

Nothing new to report here. I've taken a few walks off and on lately, but nothing huge. I want to get out and walk at least 30 minutes every day, but I haven't actually done it. My weight is still lingering in the same spot, too. I think I might have some hormone issues going on. I've been so tired this past week and have felt very hormonal. Hopefully everything will even out.


Vanessa said...

I think mine might be hormonal too...At church yesterday I probably would have bit anybody's head off if they would have talked to me! YIKES!!! Scott is 6ft. by the way.

Dustin and Angie said...

I know how you feel. I've been taking a break so that I don't feel so bad when I step on the scale and see no progress.