Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I just thought I was done talking.

Okay, I thought of a few more things to share. As I was discussing my body shape & size with my sister-in-law, I realized that I've always thought of myself as a small-built person. Yes, I'm short, but thinking about my body, I'm a really curvy girl, even when I'm thin. I don't think I could ever physically fit into a size 5 jeans. Even with no fat, I don't think my hips would allow it. With that being said, I have made the scary jump to adjusting my goal weight. I could probably get to 115 if I really tried, but you know what, I know that 120 is attainable & that I would be happy at that weight. And for a medium-boned girl, 120 is a perfectly acceptable weight for a 5' 2 1/2" lady.

I also am giving myself 14 weeks from January 1st to get to my goal weight. Oh, how I know it won't be easy. I've done it before, but I honestly don't know how I did it. So, I have 27 pounds to lose. If I average 2 pounds a week, I can do it. And the few weeks I have before January 1st are a bonus. (By the way, I picked the 1st because it's on a day of the week when I know I don't have to rush in the morning and will have time to weigh and measure...not because of the new year.) I plan to weigh and measure every Thursday & report back. Okay, I'm really done now. I need to hit the sack.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I'm actually back to 130 and that's in the morning with no clothes on! So by the end of the day it's about 134. I'm glad you are back though! I told Amanda I just need some serious motivation. I'm trying to motivate my hubby for some $$$ if I achieve my goals but he doesn't want to start anything until the holidays are over. Which I can totally understand. How can you think thin when you have a plate full of rice krispy treats in front of your face. Your goals sound really good and realistic! Good luck and hopefully I will join you guys!

...sorry long comment!