Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drumroll please....

Everything I'm doing is working!  I've lost 3 pounds!  I haven't taken my measurements because I don't want to have to do that every week, but I can see a difference in my stomach.  :)  Some nights when I go to bed I feel like I'm starving, but then when I wake up I'm fine.  My body is just getting used to not having as many calories.  I haven't had any "treatment effects" from the Alli, either.  In fact, I probably need to work at adding a little more healthy fat to my diet.  I think some of my meals are too low in fat.  (No wonder I have skinny girls!...but I refuse to make them something different than what Randy and I are eating!)  Exercise is going well.  I missed yesterday, but when I've been exercising 6 days a week, I figure I'm just fine.  I've been doing strength training on top of cardio 2 days a week.  I should probably try to do 3 days of it.  Anyway, so far so good!  Can't wait for more!


Vanessa said...

That is great Keri! I am so glad someone is seeing some progress...keep it going girl!

Amanda said...

Good for you Keri!

Cheryl said...

Hey Keri, you need to let me know more of what you're doing. I need to get in the groove badly but really have been struggling. Do you like Alli? Is there caffeine in it? I'd love to talk to you some time.