Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday the 21st

Today was my/our first day timing our "Magic Mile". (See

Magic Mile--1 mi, 9:56.27, which is a...9:56.27 minute mile. Brilliant, I know.

Total (included a good dose of both running and walking): 2.99 mi, 37:14, 12:28 min. mile

My shins still hurt to run, but they hurt WAY worse when I walked. I guess as long as I can keep running I should be okay! I iced them after my run & also took some ibuprophen and I feel good tonight.


ollie said...

I have a friend who is a personal trainer (he used to be our home teacher). Anyway, when I first started running I had horrible shin pain too. It was unbelievable! Most people just told me to push through it, but my friend told me to do squats on a regular basis and that would help with the pain. Ever since I started doing that, I've never had shin pain again. I usually do some before I go running and after I go running as part of my warm up/cool down. Here's a great video of what I'm talking about:

Hope it helps!

Tiffany said...

take your IB before you run, it really helps, i do even better if it is a whole hour ahead.