Thursday, September 17, 2009


I haven't made it back out running yet. As of today, my legs still really hurt--mostly my shins and my right ankle. I want to keep running, and yet I want to quit. The pain is sometimes pretty intense & I've been taking ibuprofen every day. I'm sure I'll keep going, and hopefully I'll feel good enough to get out on Saturday.

I'm not sure what to do because two of my long runs before the half-marathon are going to be difficult or impossible to do. Randy will be out of town for several days when I need to do one of them, and we'll be in NM during another. I could do a treadmill in NM, but I don't know what to do when Randy's gone, since I want to be able to do it early in the morning.

A blog that I follow talked about the one hundred pushups challenge, the two hundred situps challenge, and the two hundred squats challenge. I'm needing something to continue pushing me along on the days that I don't run. Yes, the elliptical is always staring me down, but I've yet to hop on it in a while. So, I'm going to do the challenges. I tested myself tonight & will begin them next week. I'm actually excited & hopeful that I can tone my flabby arms a bit. Oh, the pain of needing to lose weight & not getting it done!

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