1. I'm growing out of my clothes. Randy said I can't buy any more.
2. I've been on a yo-yo the last 3 years.
This year I have made my health goals few and simple. I really have to make sustainable changes that I can live with...not just do for a few months & then revert back to old behaviors. So, these are my two goals.
1. Eat 5 servings of fruits & veggies every day.
2. Exercise 5 days each week.
The goals are so simple, yet so hard. But I'm going to do my best & not beat myself up when I fall short. I am human, and I will fall short some of the time. I do plan to select a few races to run this summer to get myself running again. For now, I'm using the elliptical & hoping to spring the cash to get the computer on it fixed.
I can totally 100% relate. That's exactly where I was a little over a year ago. I had gained so much weight that I had outgrown my clothes, but we couldn't afford to buy any more (not that I felt like I would look good in new clothes anyway). It was awful! I actually had people NOT believe me when I told them I wasn't pregnant! And don't even get me started about them rubbing my belly. I think I almost punched a 60 year old lady. lol!
Maybe we should get some kind of competition going kind of like what Sandy did. Only, instead of just weightloss being the determining factor for the winner, it should be some kind of combination of exercise goals met or something like that. OK, the real reason is I love to gamble. I'm from KY -- it's in my blood!
I love you girl and I think you look smokin' hot regardless!
I'm with you on this one Keri. Although I think I'm going to start outgrowing my clothes really soon (wink, wink). I'm hoping that I can find the motivation to set simple realistic goals so that I don't beat myself up when I don't have spectacular results like I want. Good luck this year! And give me a few more months and I'll be right there with you again!
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