Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 76: Happy Easter!

Breakfast: hard-boiled egg, slice of homemade bread w/ butter, mandarin orange
Snack: 6 almonds, Xango juice, square of carrot cake
Lunch: Sticky Finger Rice Bowl (what I didn't eat last night)
Snack: 2 cookies, Reese's pb cups, sliver of carrot cake
Dinner: slice of ham, 1 1/2 servings funeral potatoes, green bean casserole, salad w/ ranch dressing, roll (part wheat?) w/ butter, pasta/fruit/chicken salad
Dessert: 2 squares of Sigrid's Carrot Cake (I used applesauce instead of the oil & fat-free cream cheese for the frosting. It still had lots of fat w/ the eggs & butter, though. At least what I made was an improvement.)
Snack: tons of Reese's pb cups, M&M's & a whole-wheat roll

Exercise: day of rest

I ate so much today. It's likely that I've even forgotten some. I've definitely noticed that I'm retaining water over the past few days because of how I've eaten. So much sugar...blech!

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