Saturday, September 12, 2009


Running--9.5 miles, 1:53:13.93, 11:55/mi

Total--10.13 miles, 2:04:53, 12:20/mi

Calories burned: 1118!!! Wow, no wonder I'm tired!

Today's run was not easy. I felt like I was just trying to keep up with Janell, and I had to make myself keep going much of the time. We walked the first 5 minutes, at the halfway point (to let me eat my jelly beans & drink...not sure how Janell goes a whole run without anything!), and then a little after 7 miles. Around the 7 mile mark is when I felt like I wouldn't be able to keep going, but after a walk, we picked it back up and ran the rest of the way. The last half mile running was hard, but I knew the end was in sight. I'm expecting to be really sore, but my whole motto today was "I can do hard things!" And I did!


Krista Dearden said...

You ROCK Keri!

ollie said...

Woot! Woot! Go Keri!

Vanessa said...

Holy Smokes that was along way to go!