Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 71

Breakfast: egg, white grape juice, malt-o-meal w/ spoonful of sugar & milk
Snack: 3 Reese's pb cup minis (7 is a serving)
Lunch: Mexican Black Beans
Snack: 8? pb cookies
Dinner: country fried steak, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies (don't think they had any butter on them), one fry--Denny's in downtown SLC at 8:30pm after the Jazz autograph session

Exercise: 25 minutes on the ArcTrainer, 7 minutes on the StairMaster

It's been a long day. Not the greatest of eating days. I definitely think being tired is one of the factors in my poor eating lately. I won't be going to the gym in the morning tomorrow because we got home pretty late. The weather should be nice, so I'll have to take the girls on a walk & hit the gym on Thursday.

1 comment:

ollie said...

So yeah... I totally know I've gained a pound or two this week. I'm nervous to get on the scale thursday. I've been eatin' cookies like there's no tomorrow! Ugh.... the only difference between us is that you actually exercise!