Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day 79: I've gotta kick this sugar habit!

Breakfast: yogurt w/ granola, banana, hard-boiled egg
Snack: 6 almonds
Lunch: M&Ms (finished them off), 2 mini Reese's pb cups, Hershey's chocolate bunny, plate full of tortilla chips w/ melted cheese
Snack: mandarin orange
Dinner: tortilla chips, Unstuffed Peppers
Snack: Hershey's chocolate bunny

Exercise: I went with a lower intensity today and did 12.75? miles on the bike in 35 minutes. The resistance was really low so that my heart rate was in the "fat burning" zone. The bike's computer system kinda annoys me because it didn't seem as responsive as it should have been to my heart rate. I then did 10 minutes on the rowing machine & a few other floor exercises and stretches. I also tried jumping rope, but my bladder wasn't having it. Looks like I should wear some depends when I want to jump rope. I got to wear new workout clothes today, so it was fun.

My eating has been really crappy today. Not much else to be said. I'm in a cooking rut, too. I've yet to make dinner this week. Thank goodness I have a few freezer meals left & have been able to use them. Blah!


Vanessa said...

OK, Sorry but I had to laugh about the "depends"! Only because I know the feeling.

Amanda said...

No jump rope for me either. I've had too many kids! haha

ollie said...

LOL! Sweet...I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't do that!

I have some friends that love to jump on a trampoline with their kids. It just can't happen for me.