Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Long, overdue update

Okay, girls, I haven't completely abandoned you. Okay, so Amanda's ready to get going again, Vanessa's ready to throw in the blogging-about-her-weight towel. And me? I'm needing/wanting to get back on track.

I thought my gym membership expired in September, but it turns out that it expires in a few days. Having known that might have made a difference the past few months, but oh, well. Because of my lack of a gym membership & the snow on the ground, this weekend, Tiffany brought me her huge, heavy eliptical so I can have a way to exercise. (I have the scraped up walls to prove it, too! It's not easy getting it up stairs that turn midway up.) So far, Randy has used it more than me, but I have used it. Will life ever slow down? Nearly all of my projects are done & my house is actually the cleanest it's been in a while...if only I could get my bathrooms clean. Anyway, I'm seeing an end to my self-inflicted craziness. Next week.

Tiffany and I challenged each other to see who could lose 10 pounds first. I have more to lose than her, that's for sure. The sad truth is that I've gained about 20 pounds in a year. Bad eating habits, anyone? No time is easy to give up the sweets & such, but the holidays are making it especially difficult. In all honesty, I'm guessing that Tiffany will beat me, but I'm not going to give up. Anyway, yesterday I weighed in at 147. That my heaviest non-pregnant weight ever. In fact, it's only about 5 lbs. shy of where I was 9 months pregnant with Sydney. So sad.

Anyway, I'm really hoping that I can get myself back on track--eating, sleeping & exercising. I can't stay up until 12 or 1am and expect to have tons of energy. Doesn't really work. I'm hoping that Randy will be headed back to work by the first of the year & he won't stay up as late, which should help me not stay up so late, too. Although he has been in bed for an hour now...

Okay, now that I've blogged your ears off (or should it be eyes out?)... I'm ready to get back on the wagon. Vanessa, if you need to take a break, do it. You're only about 2 lbs. heavier than where you want to be, right? That's not so bad, is it? I'm here for you girls and I need your support, too!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm completely with you Keri! It's going to be a good year, and we are ALL going to reach our goals. I need to actually sit down and make a plan for myself.