Monday, September 29, 2008


I've done a bit of walking today. First, I walked Sydney to preschool, maybe 1/4 of a mile away. On my way home, I passed some friends who were headed off for a walk & they invited me to come along. We walked to the park. I was home from that for only 5 minutes before it was time to walk back and get Sydney. All in all, I would guess that I walked about 3 miles total today.

Oh, and my weight was back down in the 130's today. I know it's not much...and it just might be because I fasted yesterday. I'll take it any way it comes, though! I still haven't measured myself. I need to, but I'm afraid it won't be good news. Why is this all so hard?

Saturday, September 27, 2008


3.25 miles hiking at Stewart Falls. I loved it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Same ol', same ol'

Nothing new to report here. I've taken a few walks off and on lately, but nothing huge. I want to get out and walk at least 30 minutes every day, but I haven't actually done it. My weight is still lingering in the same spot, too. I think I might have some hormone issues going on. I've been so tired this past week and have felt very hormonal. Hopefully everything will even out.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Little by little

I'm making small improvements. My neck is feeling much better. It's still tight, but I do stretches every night that are helping. Over the past few days, I've been seeking to increase my daily activity. Saturday night, I walked a mile with my girls. This morning, I walked 1 to 1.5 miles with Jenna. I'm also trying to be more active in my house & outside with my girls. (Although I still spend a lot of time on the computer doing family history...)

I'm doing a little better with my eating now that Randy's back. He had been in Canada for 7 days, and I only made a real dinner one night. The rest of the nights were frozen pizza, IHOP, and such. I feel like my appetite is under better control now that he's home, too.

Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant & could feel the baby moving. In my dream, I was so glad to know that I had gained so little weight. Too bad I've gained weight & I'm not pregnant. Or maybe I should be glad that I'm not... I'm feeling much better this week, so we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Neck problems

I'm starting to see a pattern. Whenever I go for a long walk or take a short jog, I experience great neck pain & horrible headaches later in the day. Yesterday, I jogged up a short hill when I went on my walk. Mind you, I wasn't dressed for running; I was just in my normal clothes, ie no sports bra. I'm beginning to think that my chest is really giving my neck some problems, especially when I run/jog/walk quickly. Last night, I was in horrible pain. My head hurt so back I wanted to barf. I literally was tossing and turning for 3 1/2 hours in my bed before taking another dose of Tylenol & finally falling asleep. So, I've got a chiropractic appointment this afternoon. I'm guessing my neck is out. I really, really, really hope I get a good neck massage because my muscles are so tense. About running: I know I should make sure I wear multiple sports bras when I go (which I haven't been doing), but really, what should I do??? I'm thinking breast reduction surgery might be in my future...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Unfortunate update

Just thought I'd give an update. As far as my weight goes, I haven't made any progress...I think. I haven't weighed myself in a week or two, but I am afraid it would be higher than it was last time. My biggest struggle this week is eating when I'm not hungry. The past two days, I've found myself eating when I wasn't hungry at all. I've been using food to relax, which just isn't right. Now that I'm acutely aware of it, I'm going to work on it and do better.

I haven't been exercising much, either. This morning I did take a walk, though. I dropped Sydney off at our preschool co-op, and continued along the trail with Jenna. I ended up walking for an hour & probably did about 2.5 miles. Next time: put on some real shoes to go walking & not flip-flops! I feel good and sweaty after my walk today. It's a start...again.