Thursday, April 23, 2009

No news is bad news

I really don't feel like posting this week.  My weight was up 2 pounds.  I'm not surprised, since I've hardly been exercising & have been eating too much & too many treats.  What's funny is that I've had 3 or 4 people tell me how good I'm looking...not sure why.  I really want to kick myself back into the process.  I've been having good days (emotionally) this week until today, but none of that excuses how I've been treating myself.  I need to put a plan of action together and get with it.  Does anyone have any extra motivation for me?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I guess...

...I should have weighed without my clothes today.  I was in too much of a hurry to take care of my girls that I only weighed quickly before heading out of my room.  I probably would be down 1/2 a pound or more!  I did get on the elliptical this morning.  I hadn't been on it since Friday.  Any other working out this past week was purely because I had to get things done like gardening and vacuuming, and occupying Jenna with a walk around the block.  I'm really not all that satisfied with myself, though.  I've let myself go.  Wish me well as I dig deep to find the strength to care and to do something about it.  :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I spent 5 days this week in St. George helping Tiffany take care of her house & kids (minimally), so I didn't have my scale to weigh on.  In all honesty, I had a burger, fries, and a pop twice, pizza twice, and I stuffed myself silly at the fondue restaurant.  I only exercised Saturday and Monday.  And I took my last Alli pill early in the week.  But you know what?  My weight was at 143.0 this morning.  I'm guessing that my metabolism has adjusted & is helping me not gain weight as quickly as I would have before.  It's good to be home & I'm going to try my best to eat healthy, exercise consistently and still enjoy life.