Saturday, April 4, 2009


I spent 5 days this week in St. George helping Tiffany take care of her house & kids (minimally), so I didn't have my scale to weigh on.  In all honesty, I had a burger, fries, and a pop twice, pizza twice, and I stuffed myself silly at the fondue restaurant.  I only exercised Saturday and Monday.  And I took my last Alli pill early in the week.  But you know what?  My weight was at 143.0 this morning.  I'm guessing that my metabolism has adjusted & is helping me not gain weight as quickly as I would have before.  It's good to be home & I'm going to try my best to eat healthy, exercise consistently and still enjoy life.


Vanessa said...

Great Job!

Amanda said...

I am seriously impressed you did so well. I ALWAYS gain a couple pounds when I go out of town. :( So, overall were you happy with Alli? I'm needing some sort of jumpstart again, but I'm just not sure what to do or where to find the motivation.