Monday, May 18, 2009

My plan of action

I forgot to weigh & post on Thursday, but things have pretty much been the same.  My dessert consumption this past week has been shocking, though.  So...I've decided several things.  1.  I'm going to start taking Alli again.  It gave me the definite motivation to keep my fat intake lower.  I bought it today & started taking it with my lunch.  2.  My former roommate, Radene, is doing a 4-week health challenge.  I'm going to participate.  I already do much of what is in the challenge (or want to do!), but it will give me an incentive to keep up with it on a daily basis.  I can win some cash if I'm one of the top point earners.  I think the best part is that it will motivate me to do better.  The challenge doesn't start for another week, but I'm going to make this week 1 for myself.  It can't hurt.  I'm embarrassed to be heading home for my class reunion in a few weeks looking the way I do...and it would be lovely to not be completely embarrassed when I don a swimsuit at the beach in 6 1/2 weeks!  

By the way, if you're interested in joining Radene's challenge or want to know more, let me know.


Vanessa said...

I am totally interested in the challenge! I've got nothing to lose...except my saddle bags!

Tim & Nancy said...

I am right there with you on desserts! Ugh! Let me know more about this challenge sounds like fun! lucky04you at hotmail dot com

Merri Hackett said...

I'd love to hear more about the challenge.