Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another Opt Out

Late last week and early this week, I was feeling good about things.  I even peeked early to see my weight had gone down from my last weigh-in.  HOWEVER...I have eaten out 4 times in the last 3 days.  The last two nights were with family who had come into town.  And Monday was just a crazy day of running around.  I have such a hard time eating well when I eat out.  Between that and the tons of salt that I know is in restaurant food, I'm not weighing myself this week.  No need to make myself feel bad over it.  I can do better, and I will.  This week, I've done well with my water.  There has only been one day (except fast Sunday) where I didn't easily drink 64+ ounces.  I'm going to keep working on all of it and keep getting at least some exercise in every day--after all, I have to make a habit of the exercise, even if my dear hubby thinks only spending 10-15 minutes on the elliptical is a waste.  :)


Vanessa said...

Totally not a waste, I think every bit counts, if you are consistent with it!

Amanda said...

I agree with Ness! Fifteen minutes of un-interrupted exercise is a bid deal for me these days. So I say way to go!

Dustin and Angie said...

Definitely keep trying to get in a little every day. The day you skip will be the end of exercising.