Thursday, January 29, 2009

Despite... weight being up 1/2 a pound this week, I'm feeling good. Sure, it's no fun to see the scale go up, but I feel like I've been reinforcing some good habits. Yesterday was probably my worst day of eating, so I wasn't surprised by the scale. I also didn't work out yesterday, but I have nearly every other day. I've been filling a 2-quart pitcher each morning to see how much water I'm drinking--and I was surprised at how well I do. It's good to have a reminder that I need to drink, though, because some days I could go for hours because I'm not downstairs or just don't think about it. So, I'm just going to keep on keepin' on. Increasing my good habits will be rewarded, even if it is slowly.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

It stinks that the rewards have to come so slowly, but boy are they worth it!