Thursday, March 26, 2009

Unusual week

First off, I only exercised 2 of the last 7 days.  The ends of the week are more difficult for me to want to exercise, and then I was quite sick yesterday.  My eating needs to be re-vamped.  I've noticed that I have been eating beyond just being full, and I need to stop that.  I was sick on both Tuesday and Wednesday.  I pretty much only ate what sounded good, which wasn't the best food choices.  And my body quickly rejected everything I ate.  It was really bad.  Now that my stomach and intestines are seemingly on the mend, I should be able to get back to normal, too.  All in all, I'm actually surprised and happy that I still lost 1/2 a pound this week!  Here's to more exercise, fruits & veggies this coming week!


Krista Dearden said...

Good for you Keri! Hope you are feeling better. Keep plugging along!

ollie said...

So I've started training for a triathlon and one of the things the book that I've been reading stresses are recovery days. It says that you shouldn't exercise 7 days a week AND that you need to mix light and hard weeks. So one week you exercise really hard and then the following week exercise lighter. Or, exercise hard 2 weeks, and then ease up another week. Maybe you're pushing your body too hard!

I am really proud of you though with your continued work on weight loss. You are such a great inspiration!!!!