Lunch: tuna on whole-wheat toast, cheese stick, raw veggies
Snack: 4 cookies, several almonds
Dinner: Pasta Primavera, Blueberry Salad
Dessert: 2 chocolate graham crackers, several almonds
Exercise: 10 minutes of shoveling snow
One of my new goals is to eat 3 servings of fruit each day (not counting any juice). Fruit is nature's sugar, and I'm tyring to "tame" my sweet tooth. (Yeah, I know it doesn't look like that's what I'm doing. Work with me here!) In order to promote this goal, I have lots of fruit set on my kitchen table, as well as some grapes in the fridge. I have definitely noticed that it helps Sydney eat better, too. I've discovered that she loves nectarines. Even after eating 1/2 of a grapefruit with her breakfast, she was begging me for a nectarine...lunch just seemed too far away!
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