Monday, September 15, 2008

Little by little

I'm making small improvements. My neck is feeling much better. It's still tight, but I do stretches every night that are helping. Over the past few days, I've been seeking to increase my daily activity. Saturday night, I walked a mile with my girls. This morning, I walked 1 to 1.5 miles with Jenna. I'm also trying to be more active in my house & outside with my girls. (Although I still spend a lot of time on the computer doing family history...)

I'm doing a little better with my eating now that Randy's back. He had been in Canada for 7 days, and I only made a real dinner one night. The rest of the nights were frozen pizza, IHOP, and such. I feel like my appetite is under better control now that he's home, too.

Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant & could feel the baby moving. In my dream, I was so glad to know that I had gained so little weight. Too bad I've gained weight & I'm not pregnant. Or maybe I should be glad that I'm not... I'm feeling much better this week, so we'll see how it goes.


Vanessa said...

So glad you are feeling better. I have been trying to do more small active things lately too. I think that every "little" bit helps.
Oh man I am so glad I didn't have a dream like that! I think I would die in my dream! HAHAHAHAHA!

Vanessa said...

He really doesn't have health problems, but I think he does have a minor case of hypoglycemia...but mostly he notices that he doesn't last long when he is playing with the kids and it makes him so mad...he weighs about 210 and should probably weigh about 170...Yikes!