Thursday, September 11, 2008

Neck problems

I'm starting to see a pattern. Whenever I go for a long walk or take a short jog, I experience great neck pain & horrible headaches later in the day. Yesterday, I jogged up a short hill when I went on my walk. Mind you, I wasn't dressed for running; I was just in my normal clothes, ie no sports bra. I'm beginning to think that my chest is really giving my neck some problems, especially when I run/jog/walk quickly. Last night, I was in horrible pain. My head hurt so back I wanted to barf. I literally was tossing and turning for 3 1/2 hours in my bed before taking another dose of Tylenol & finally falling asleep. So, I've got a chiropractic appointment this afternoon. I'm guessing my neck is out. I really, really, really hope I get a good neck massage because my muscles are so tense. About running: I know I should make sure I wear multiple sports bras when I go (which I haven't been doing), but really, what should I do??? I'm thinking breast reduction surgery might be in my future...


Vanessa said...

Wow!! Seriously? That does not sound good. Instead of jogging just walk that way you are not poundin those things up and down...walking is every bit as good as jogging...better for the joints too! Good luck at the doc!

Sandi said...

If you are seriously thinking of breast reduction you should do A LOT of research first. I had a friend looking into it, but she found out that a lot of women end up getting huge breasts again later anyways. It's because that's where we women gain weight (and lose weight) the fastest. Even if you get some tissue taken out, the next time you gain a lot of weight they will come back! So, unless you are size FFF or something, it probably is not a good option.