Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday the 17th

5.83 in 1:19:08. 13:35 min mile avg.

Today's run was the hardest yet. Jana and I did really well for the first 2 1/2 miles. And then came the hill. It didn't seem so bad until we were nearly to the top & we both were about to die. The hill really did us in. After that, we did plenty of walking. Our only goal was to finish. I just hope the 10k next week isn't so hard on me so I don't embarass you, Tiff! Of course, you could always leave me in the dust!


Merri Hackett said...

Nice job!

ollie said...

Wow! I can't believe your race is next week! That was a really short training time AND you're doing so well! Good luck and make sure someone takes some pictures of ya!