Monday, January 7, 2008

The Beginning

I think I've finally hit rock bottom again with my weight. To give a bit of history...I was never overweight as a child. In fact, I thought I was "fat" my senior year of high school when I weighed 112 pounds. My freshman year of college, I weighed 118 lbs. I'm not really sure of my weight past that point, except that I think I probably was around 120 lbs when I got married, but I was probably in the mid-120's right before I got married, and then after. After my pregnancy with Sydney, I got back down to size. By the time she was 10 months old, I had gained weight and was up to 140 pounds, my all-time non-pregnancy related high. I then went on to lose 19.5 lbs within a period of about 3 or 4 months. Then I got pregnant again, miscarried, and got pregnant with Jenna, so I haven't been at that weight for a few years. I gained a lot of weight with my last pregnancy, but got down to 126.5 lbs after a while. Here I am again, with Jenna about to be 10 months old, and my weight has been on the rise...again.

Now, I know some of you are thinking you'd give your right leg to be that size! Let's remember that we're all different builds and heights. I'm short. I've got a small-medium build. My ideal weight should be somewhere between 110 and 115 pounds. I know it's not so much about the number, either. It is a pretty good measure of progress, though. I want to be healthier. I want to have more energy. And, of course, I want to look better!

So, I know I can lose weight. I've done it before. In the process, I've adopted some really good habits, but I've also retained some not-so-good habits. My hope is to bring more of the good into what I'm already doing. My mom is truly my inspiration. She followed Dr. Phil's weight loss plan. 4 years ago, she lost 40 pounds just by eating healthy...and she has kept it off! Eating healthy is really the biggest key to losing weight. Of course, physical activity is necessary, and I plan to improve on that too.

I plan on making concrete goals (& changes) to help me achieve this weight loss, so stay tuned...that is, if you're still reading! I know that weight loss is not achieved by will power alone.


Amanda said...

Give me another month to recover from a delivery and I'm going to join you. I have a feeling that this weight is going to be a lot tougher coming off the third time around. Good luck Keri!

Dixie said...

way to go sis!