Sunday, January 27, 2008

Day 21: Much Better

Breakfast: yogurt w/ granola, egg, Xango juice
Lunch: leftover spaghetti, salad
Dinner: Whole-Grain French Toast w/ Blueberry Syrup, turkey bacon
Dessert: 2 chocolate & peanut butter chip cookies

Exercise: none

There isn't much to say about my eating today, except that I did a good job. Yes, I ate 2 cookies, but in the past I could easily eat a dozen of them. (They ARE good...) "Water With Lemon" is a really good book and I feel like I'm really learning from it. I can't wait to read some more tonight!


Lily said...

Hey you did better than me today, I ate at least a half dozen cookies this evening. Funny thing is I don't really regret it. LOL

Amber said...

I am so proud of you. I am so sorry I haven't commented in awhile. I think we all go through ups and downs but it is the ups that are the most important. Keep it up.