Monday, May 12, 2008

Breaking it to you...

So I've had a rough couple of days or weeks or months or years.... I've thought and thought about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I was emailed some great advice by a friend of mine who reads this blog & I've decided to take a break (not sure yet if I'll stop permanently) from posting my daily food journal. I just feel like I've come to a self-destructive point & don't think I can and should continue right now.

I still want to post my exercise because I feel like that's definitely something to be proud of. However, I do have some pretty rotten shin splints. I hate to do it, but I think I need to take a rest from running. I know I can still do some (less enjoyable) exercising and I plan to do that, but I'm honestly thinking I'll take a break from the gym this week and next. I just feel like I've come to a breaking point (with this and various other aspects of my life) and this needs to give. So, that's that. I'll still be here on this blog from time to time & I'll still be checking others'. I'm not abandoning you completely!

By the way, girls, I planned to be at the gym this morning, but I was unable to fall asleep until after midnight--and 5 1/2 hours of sleep just isn't enough for me. Sorry!


Tammy said...

I really like the post by Sarah. it's true, keep adding and you will be fine. I would definitely say don't deny yourself sweets completely. Eventually you will stop wanting them if you are exercising hard enough. Took me a while, but I have slowed the sweets now. Just don't sound as good anymore. YOU CAN DO IT KERI!!!

Vanessa said...

Totally understand. I'll be waiting for your return.

Unknown said...

Hey if you need someone to talk/vent to I am here for you! And I know the feeling of self destructive, it's like you can't stop yourself and you're addicted. Anyway get those shins feeling better. Arch supports helped me back in high school and I have never had them since.

Unknown said...

oh by the way that comment was from MERRI not Wes ha ha ha!

Amanda said...

This is weird, but I've been thinking about the same thing alot lately. I'm tired of stressing about every little detail, and feeling guilty when I take a bite of a cookie or something. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I did get a chuckle when I read your's and Vanessa's posts, and all of us are in similar situations, at least I think so anyway?!

Amanda said...

Hey Keri, how are your shin splints? Any better? I hope so.....those things stink!