Thursday, January 22, 2009

Feeling good

After a week and a half of what I hope was just crazy hormones, I'm finally feeling leveled out! Although my weight is up a pound from 2 weeks ago, I know that it is definitely down from what it would have been last week, so I'm satisfied. I also have worked out for 15-35 minutes each night for the last 3 nights. I'm feeling good about how things are going. I've been re-reading Zonya's Water With Lemon, and it's inspiring me again. I think it's also helping me to not feel guilty about what I eat. I've also come up with a plan for eating more fruits & veggies--because that's what I really struggle with. Zonya's Lickety-Split Meals is a recipe book that I use a lot. However, I haven't really delved into many of her "Salads and Sides" recipes. So, for my menu the coming 2 weeks, my meal planning is starting with a salad from her recipes, and then I'll add the other stuff. I'm trying to make the salad the main focus of our meals. I'll have to let you know how it works out.

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