Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quick update

So, I've lost a bit of weight. I was aiming a bit lower, but considering we ate out last night, I think I'm okay. At least I went down! I can do so much more, so I'm just glad I've seen some results this week. Now if I could get my 22 month old to stop being so cranky & me to stop being so tired! I need a break!!


Vanessa said...

Nice Job Keri!!

Vanessa said...

I really would just like to be done with birth control! ...but I don't know what else to do. I don't have time to get my tubes tide until the summer! So who knows! Everything I read said that it takes 6 to 12 months for the drug to even wear off. YIKES! I really don't know what to do and I am scheduled to get another shot on the 22 of this month. I guess just deal with it!

Amanda said...

I hear ya on the sleep issues. Drew is not liking his new room on the other side of the house and is making it known to everyone! But, yay for losing some more weight!