Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday the 26th

Running: 27:30.44, ,2.43 mi, 11:19/mi.

I'm not sure on my totals. My Garmin had a really hard time finding the satellite this morning, so I started without it. At one point, it said my pace was much faster than we were going, too, so I'm not sure about that. The time and the mileage were the same as what Janell's Garmin said, though.

I still feel like I'm having a really hard time. Extra weight + being sick are what is making it tough, I think. I just hope I can do better for my Saturday run. By the way, Janell's going to go with me. Hooray! She seems to be doing much better at this running thing than I am. She did another 1/2 mile today when I was done. I'm having a hard time not being down on myself about my runs, but at least I'm getting out. I sure hope my cold is gone by Saturday...that just might make things easier!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Is Janell going to run the 1/2? I know alot of pople who say they have a couple bad weeks and dont really know why. Dont worry too much as long as you stick to your training. Your doing fine!