Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 17: A New Day...or Not

Breakfast: yogurt w/ granola, egg
Lunch: leftover Turkey Vegetable Cobbler, salad
Dinner: elk steak, green beans
Dessert: Baked Lays w/ green chile dip, no-bake cookies

Exercise:7 minutes of floor least I'm being consistent with doing it everyday.

I started out feeling much better about things today. My weight was at 132 this morning. Not bad considering yesterday, but I need to not go up at all. Then, evening hit. I'm just in an emotional/mental slump. I sat down to watch TV after dinner...and kept eating. Ugh! I'm hoping to get my Zonya book in the mail very soon so that I can get a renewed focus. It's not worth it to just come this far and quit, but I'm needing help.

1 comment:

Janae said...

I get in that slump too. Especially with the last few pounds that just won't go away...but I've found that at night, if I have a little healthy snack and then get down to the things that I've been procrastinating (i.e. church callings, reading scriptures, cleaning, etc) that I feel so much happier. It gives me a renewed focus, especially when I read the Ensign. Many times I read an article and start to cry because it's just what I've needed. Keep plunging (is that a word?) along and you will see results!