Thursday, January 10, 2008

Seeing Progress & Changes Needed

My weight stayed at 133.5 lbs today. It's fine that it didn't drop because, my goodness, I DID lose 4 lbs in 2 days! I had taken my measurements on the first morning, so since my weight was the same, I decided to retake my measurements. Boy, was I surprised! I measured in lots of places, and I've already lost 6 inches!!! I can't believe it! I'm so happy.

I have noticed that my milk supply seems to be going down, and neither Jenna nor I are ready to quit nursing yet. So...I think I need to add some calories back into my diet. The key for me is to add healthy calories and not junk. Hopefully my supply can get back to where it needs to be for poor Jenna. Despite this small change needed, I can't wait for the days to unfold and for my measurements & weight to go down. Hooray!!


Amber said...

That is so fantastic. I am so proud of you. You are an inspiration. Since you started, I decided to try and be a little better too. I have no idea how much I weighed a few days ago but today I weighed myself and I weigh the same as I did a few months ago. But I can tell that I have gained inches over the last few months. So, where do you measure? I have no idea where to measure.

Keri said...

I measured in 9 different places, since my body is really curvy. Here they are: Right & left arms, bust, waist (skinniest part), waist (at bellybutton), hips, upper thighs (measuring around my entire body), and my right and left thighs individually. I tried to create a reference point for each measurement (such as tan lines, etc.) so that I measure in the same place each time. Hope this helps.

Rachel said...

You inspired me to work out today. I've been kinda down in the dumps with the miscarriage... and our treadmill broke, so since we left for Christmas I've hardley worked out at all. (When some people get down or depressed, they exercise and don't eat as much, I'm the opposite, I am lazy and I crave every bad food that is known to man!) But, today when I looked at your blog, you inspired me and I did 45 min. of the firm. I didn't eat too well at lunch, but hey exercising is a start. I can't believe how brave you are to post your weight and what you eat. But, hello... my target weight is your current weight. So, maybe that's why I'm not too excited about posting my weight. :) (I guess I am a lot taller though) Anyway, way to go, I am going to try really hard to lose weight too. So, thanks for the motiviation, and keep it coming!