Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day 9--Give me some love!!

Comments, anyone? Ya'll have been on a dry spell!

Breakfast: yogurt w/ granola, egg
Lunch: leftover Arroz con pollo, salad
Snack: V8, applesauce
Dinner & Dessert: 1 1/2 California Wrap, 5 Cocoa Lava Kisses...Yum!

Exercise: 5 minutes of floor exercises.

My weight this morning was only 1/2 lb up from my low of 132. Finally, I think I'm working off the weekend & last night! I've tried to drink lots of water today & feel good about what I've eaten. I've even felt stuffed after lunch & dinner, which is a good feeling for my hungry tummy.

Also, have any of you checked out my recipes? If so & you actually dare to try them, let me & the others know what you think.

I added some links to the blog on Saturday that I have found helpful. Feel free to check them out.


Janae said...

All I can say is I'm seriously impressed! You are doing awesome AND you're breastfeeding. I just can't seem to get that last bit of tummy weight off, and I worry that my milk supply will dwindle if I eat less...that's my excuse I guess. But thanks for posting all the recipes and info. It has helped me a lot to see someone else working hard to achieve their goals!

I will try to post some recipes I've been using from the Abs Diet book. It has some delicious, healthy ones.

Erin L said...

I think you are doing great! Health is seriously what I love, even though while pregnant its harder to keep on track with it. I hope you don't mind me mentioning a few things.

1. Exercise is the key to losing weight. You can only go so far on dieting. And it gives you more energy. Especially if you are getting atequate sleep.

2. You are doing great with eating nutritiously! The food guide pyramid is honestly the best advice to follow. Whole grains and especially fruits and veggies. Make sure the bran muffins are whole grain. White flour and sugar make you hungrier faster. Also, I don't notice much milk. Milk is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. And if you are worried about your milk supply, you can even drink 2%. Your body needs fat! On mypyramid.gov, you can track your caloric needs vs. your intake. You can enter in activities you do each day, your weight and height and it will tell you how many calories you need. Then you enter in your food and it tells you how many you've had. I think you'd be surprised at how much you can eat when you are eating right. I'm not sure if breastfeeding is an option, but breastfeeding moms need 500 more calories everyday. (Even more than pregant women, who only need 300 extra calories.)

3. Amen to keeping hydrated, that is a big key! Often if you think you are hungry, just drink a big glass of water first, and then eat a snack. You'll eat less!

Well, thats about all. I hope it helps! I really think you are doing great! You've motivated me to start eating better now that morning sickness has mostly subsided. Thanks for the inspiration!

Keri said...

Erin, thanks for the advice. Just for the record, my bran muffins are whole grain & super nutritious, just check out my recipe. I avoid anything white as much as possible (flour, potatoes, rice). Even though I'm not always getting a glass of milk, I do eat plenty of yogurt, cheese, etc. I make sure I get at least 2 dairy servings each day. My body is still getting fat (eggs, meat, cheese, olive oil, etc), even if I eat a lot of fat free things. As far as exercise being the key, I really think eating right is the biggest key. Sure I need exercise, and I'm working on that, but I've lost TONS more weight just by eating healthy than I ever did just by exercising. (Not that it's right, but my mom has some health issues and doesn't really exercise. She has maintained her weight for 3+ years just by eating a healthy diet.) Thanks again. I'm going to go check out the website you recommended!

Erin L said...

I totally did not mean to be all know it all and critical. I just really like talking about health stuff and don't get many chances. I really want your bran muffin recipe and I also want to try the arroz con pollo you had.

Keri said...

Erin, thanks again for sharing. I'm glad you're excited about health. It's funny because if you just saw the basic items that I eat, you may or may not think it's healthy...It's really all about the ingredients. I love getting advice from a lot of sources, you included. Thanks for helping me be better informed.

I've posted the recipes to the muffins, arroz con pollo, as well as some others on Recipe Swap...I've got the recipes linked several places in this blog, and also on my normal blog (one of the last links). The recipes are really good, and I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Keri said...

By the way, Erin, the mypyramid.gov site is great! I just printed off what I should be getting while breastfeeding. I plan on doing it again & doing the in-depth assessment again in a few months when I'm done breastfeeding. Thanks!