Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Energy, anyone?

I think I worked myself harder than I realized yesterday. Last night, I must have slept like a log because each time I woke up, I had numb body parts from not moving. I also had lots of vivid dreams, and I had no clue when Randy left for work...all signs of me being VERY tired. I felt like I was dragging today. I even resorted to a nap. Tonight, I'm feeling a bit better. I think my body is shocked by the calorie drop. I just hope I'm eating enough to keep my milk for Jenna. I have tried to eat an extra carb each day versus what I would do if I weren't nursing, so we'll see.

I knew last night that my weight would be down because I had eaten very well and had drank a lot of water. I'm hoping for the same tomorrow. I have to applaud myself on a few things today. After lunch, I really wanted a cherry cordial, but know that I want to avoid refined sugar right now. So, I opted for a slice of buttered bread. I know--butter--but it was better than the alternative, and went well with my soup. I also did my pilates when I so wanted to take a nap. I'm just glad that I got it in. I'm sure if I had someone pushing me, I would have done more than 25 minutes. I still need to figure out how to really push myself beyond what I want to do with exercising.

So, all in all it's been a good day. I'm doing RS visits tonight, so I won't be hanging around the house wanting to snack, which is a good thing. I've stuck with it for nearly 2 days now. I'm hoping it gets easier as I go, but at least I've started. By the way, if ANY of you want to join in on my action and have some support, let me know. I can share with you what I know works & what I'm doing. (Really, nothing more than healthy eating & exercising). I'd love to help you & get some support in return!


Emily said...

Sounds awesome Keri! I can't believe you are posting what you eat online! That would scare me to death. You are a brave lady. Good job on the excersing too! You are an inspiration!

simplysarah said...

As a "nutritionist" (though I really hate calling myself that)...I think the slice of buttered bread was a good alternative choice. Way to go!

Tiffany said...

ok your motivating me today. I am working in cedar , forgot to eat b fast(i ushally dont) and thus went to mc donalds for bfast(not normal either), bri was hungry then I saw the donut shop and bought a tiffany ton of them. ate 1 and a half, and ate mine and bri's mc griddle and a hash brown and a small oj. wow how horrible is that. I dont want to eat again today, i have celery and apples so I am going to try. The past 2-3 weks has me horrible.