Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 55: Glad this day is over

Breakfast: 2 breakfast cookies, glass of milk
Lunch: pb & honey sandwich on whole-wheat bread, hot dog w/ ketchup, mustard & relish on whole-wheat bread, handful of Teddy Grahams
Dinner: Split Pea Soup, whole-wheat roll
Dessert: a dozen peanut butter cookies. (I should not have given in to Randy & Sydney begging me to make something. Randy was even ready to pull out the cocoa, I think.)

Exercise: day off

I've struggled with getting my fruits & veggies in the past few days. I'm also not sure why I just can't get portion control down when it comes to desserts. We had a very busy day, and I was starving at lunch, so I was seriously searcing for something to eat & that's when I found hot dogs in the freezer. It's been another not-so-great eating day.


Vanessa said...

Darn those husbands! They just give ya that look like they are going to die without a treat. HAHAHAHA! This Stinkers!

Amanda said...

I just posted the recipe on Recipe Swap! It makes a ton of soup, and I have no idea how it is nutritionally for you. The recipe was given to me by a friend. But, it's really yummy and easy!

Tiffany said...

Hey care bear I am on here now. Check me out!