Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 64

Breakfast: hard-boiled egg, Xango juice, bran muffin, cheese stick
Snack: cupcake
Lunch: 3 slices pizza, 2 cupcakes--Oh, so nutritious, I KNOW!
Snack: 2 cupcakes
Dinner: fajita, thick slice of pineapple, more cupcakes--so many I lost count

Exercise: 2.5 miles on the treadmill in 35 minutes. I'm increasingly getting faster and faster. And sweating more and more. We also did arm weights & such for about 30 minutes. I even benched 45 pounds (the bar w/o weights), which is quite the accomplishment for me. I haven't done that since PE my freshman year of high school--12 years ago!

I've had a lot of crappy cupcakes today. I'm seriously too tired tonight to even want to think about it, though. I'm feeling a lot of disappointment in myself tonight. I need to take to heart Dr. Phil's (and Ollie's) advice to get the junk out of my house. I did it 2 years ago and I didn't die, and I need to do it again.

Can I rant for just a second? Good. I'm just so tired of not doing well with my eating and with my dirty house. I feel like I can never tackle it all and I'm buried under a pile of burdens from that right now. Oh, I can't wait until I get out of this funk & can do better. I'm seriously thinking that I'm experiencing PMS the past few months, because these feelings come in almost monthly waves. I haven't felt like I've had PMS-type stuff in years, so I'm not enjoying the hormones at all! Okay, done now. I'm so tired & need to get to bed. Tomorrow can be better.


Lily said...

Sorry Keri. Hey if it makes you feel better, I am experiencing those exact same feelings. We should get together and have a rant party :)

Amanda said...

I know what you mean about the junk food. If I have it in the house, I can't stop until it's all gone. I just have to not buy it to save myself. I don't have any self control when it comes to sweets especially. I hope today is a better day for you! :)

ollie said...

So I got your message. Weight loss is going okay. I did lose another .4 pounds and I haven't reported it yet. I've just hit a funk. I know I need to exercise and I just really don't want to. I hate exercise to a great degree. blah.

Sorry things are becoming so overwhelming for you. As you know, I know EXACTLY what that's like. When that happened to me, I would just pick one thing in the house to clean. Even if it was small, and that was all I would do that day. I would feel good about doing something, but not overdoing it, you know? I know the guilt is hard to overcome, but it's OK to not have everything fall into place. I wasn't able to get into a steady routine until my kids were older (i.e. one gone all day at school and the other can basically take care of herself).

Vanessa said...

Well at least you got some good exercise in! But I am all in for the Rant Party:)