Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 56: Yummy Stir-Fry!

Pre: a few ounces of white grape juice
Breakfast: fruit & yogurt smoothie, turkey bacon, the rest of the pb cookies--the result of going back to bed after working out & then not eating until 9:45am...
Lunch: Split pea soup, 3 whole-wheat crackers (1 serving)
Snack: V8
Dinner: Saucy Almond Chicken Stir-Fry w/ brown rice
Snack: no-bakes, small glass of milk

Exercise: 10 minutes on the Arc Trainer, on which I did 1/2 a mile. (This actually is the most similar to cross-country skiing with the muscles it works. I have some sore inner thigh muscles from the little bit I did!), 2.7 miles on the treadmill walking & jogging for 42 minutes, and 5 minutes of arm weights

Randy decided I could have a treat tonight and got out enough cocoa for me to make no-bakes. How sweet. It's nice to enjoy it once in a while & not feel guilty.


ollie said...

That's a WHOLE lotta exercising!!! Geez woman!!! Has waking up in the morning getting better, or is it terrible?

Amanda said...

I bet those no-bakes were so yummy! You definately deserved a treat after all the hard work you've done!

Keri said...

Getting up early seems to be getting slightly easier, since I've been tired enough to get myself into bed earlier. Having someone that's expecting me to show up is what really motivates me, though, no matter how early it is. I just try to not think about the time!

Vanessa said...

That really is a lot of exercise, I am impressed. You are going to look so fabulous! Keep it up!

Tiffany said...

Do you exercise that much each time? I forgot do you go everyday? I dont mind once I am at the gym but I hate fitting it in to the routine. But I like to lift weights and do not like cardio!!