Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 81

Breakfast: (10 am) hard-boiled egg, 2 small slices of pepperoni pizza, 1 small breadstick w/ marinara sauce
Lunch: 2 slices homemade bread w/ butter, lowfat cheese stick, mandarin orange
Dinner: Unfried Rice--yummy
Dessert: bowl of no-bake cookies, glass of milk

Exercise: 2.85 miles in 45 minutes on the treadmill, ab exercises for 15 minutes. I ended up mostly walking today. My heart rate just wasn't having it and I didn't want to kill myself. I feel like such a loser having to walk, even though I know I shouldn't.

It's been a rough food week for me. I'm not sure what my deal is, but tonight I'm thinking that my struggles this week with both food and life have been stemming from lack of sleep. As hard as I try, I just can't seem to get to bed early enough to wake up at 5:30am, but wake up I do. I'm hoping to get more sleep this weekend & will try to do better next week. Wish me well.

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