Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 62: Noticeable

Breakfast: honey-nut cheerios w/ milk, 2 slices turkey bacon, banana
Lunch: apple
Dinner: Crock-Pot Fajitas (yum!)
Snack: more Snickers minis
Snack: (This was actually a strange craving...) hard-boiled egg

Exercise: day of rest...but then again, I did take Sydney on a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood

I put on a button up shirt today, expecting to wear an undershirt and not be able to button it up past my bust--as it has been since I had Jenna. However, today it fit!! My chest hasn't changed sizes really, so it must be a little bit of that on top of my back fat that's decreasing. I'm really happy that I can notice a difference!

I did good except for the Snickers. I'll have to share the Crock-Pot Fajita recipe, too. Stay tuned--someday I'll get myself to post some of the more recent recipes I've used.


Vanessa said...

Wow! you did have a good eating day! The crockpot fajitas sound really good. I do make my Jambalaya. If you like leftovers it is the thing to make!. We are big leftover people. I think I will post this one on the recipe swap.

Amanda said...

Yeah for clothes fitting better! It's such a great feeling, isn't it!