Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 72

Breakfast: 2 slices turkey bacon, 1/2 grapefruit, bran muffin
Lunch: Mexican Black Beans
Snack: 6? pb cookies w/ glass of milk, not sure if I ate something else...
Dinner: Parmesan Turkey Cutlets Over Angel Hair, green beans
Snack: 5 Hershey's chocolate eggs, 1/2 c. sugar-free & fat-free butterscotch pudding w/ whipped cream, handful of tortilla chips, plateful of tortilla chips w/ melted cheese

Exercise: day off at the gym. I took my girls on a leisurely 1 mile walk.

I didn't feel like I could stop snacking today. I just wanted to eat and eat and eat.

1 comment:

Dustin and Angie said...

tortilla chips with melted cheese on top are amazing! I have been having this cheese craving that I just can't get rid of and that is my favorite cheese snack. I don't blame you for wanting them.