Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 57: Pig out

Pre: a few ounces of white grape juice (Not sure if you know why I do this, but it's so I have a little something in my system before working out.)
Breakfast: 1 1/2 servings of old fashioned oatmeal w/ milk + a spoonful of sugar, 2 eggs
Lunch: lg popcorn chicken (shared w/ my girls), mashed potatoes & gravy--from KFC (I normally don't like KFC, but I saw their commerical as I ate my breakfast and decided I wanted some of it today.), Tostitos Multigrain tortilla chips (several servings worth), cheese & salsa dip (several servings worth, probably), cinnamon roll (courtesy of Steffani, my new VT...YUM!)
Dinner: big salad, split pea soup, 3 whole-wheat crackers
Snack: fudgesicle

Exercise: 2.2 miles on the treadmill in 34 minutes, various ab workouts for about 20 or so minutes--It was a crackup with Merri & Tammy. I had fun girls!

There's trouble with my eating. 2 things: lack of fruits & veggies and eating LOTS. I'm finding that I'm starving at breakfast and lunch, so I'm eating whatever is easiest to get my hands on. Not so good. Although I like my routine of at least getting showered before I head downstairs after the gym, I'm thinking I need to change it up and EAT first thing when I get home to get my appetite under control. I tried to do much better at dinner time tonight.


Lily said...

Keri- I think I can offer you some advice. I hope you don't mind :)

If you want maximum calorie burn at the gym-go on an empty stomach. It burns pure fat when you do this because your body has already gone without food throughout the night. When you exercise first thing in the morning without eating, it burns fat stores because there is no food in your tummy to burn as your fuel. Next, your are going to be super hungry anytime after working out. There are a couple key things you need to understand about this- it's okay to eat when your hungry like this-it's normal. What you need to do is change your thinking and eat 6 smaller meals a day and a few small (very small) snacks in between the meals. The myth that's out there is that eating (what seems to be like so much,or so often) will make you gain, when in reality it will make you loose. Eating often and smaller meals actually increases your metabolism ten fold. You will be super hungry after every workout though-that's normal and it is the bodies way of getting you to help speed up your own metabolism.
Trust me, I've been doing the workout thing for years and before I had Maile I trained really hard and had my body in awesome condition ( I'm trying to get back there myself).

One other thing. You will want to incorporate a regular weight lifting regimen. This will only increase your fat burn and will ultimately change the physic of your body. It is one of the most important things you can do. Let me know if you have any questions. I will be glad to answer. Good luck Keri! :)

Vanessa said...

OK, I don't think that was overboard. You have been exercising a lot, you need some extra calories. I was telling Amanda, that yours and her food intake is so much more balanced than mine. I could eat cold cereal 3 meals a day. Not good I know! I think you are doing great Ker!