Friday, March 21, 2008

Day 74: A different story

Breakfast: vanilla yogurt w/ granola (I didn't realize that's all I ate until I just put it down. I was too busy trying to clean up and get my girls fed. Plus, it filled me up.)
Snack: homemade applesauce
Lunch: more applesauce (had to finish what I had dished up), Parmesan Turkey Cutlets Over Angel Hair
Snack: 4 or 5 slices of homemade bread w/ butter, 1 Hershey's kiss, 1 M&M
Dinner: carrots, LaZonya (2 servings worth?)--I was still hungry & finished up my girls' food.
Snack: 2 cookies worth of cookie dough & 3 chocolate chip & pb chip cookies

Exercise: 2 miles in 31 minutes of cross-training on the eliptical, 13 minutes of rowing (if you've never tried this, I think it's really difficult & a great workout), stretching, calf exercises (just a few), arm weights

Today has felt so much better with my eating. I haven't craved the sweets. I still ate plenty, but really don't feel like I went overboard. I made a special effort to eat both the applesauce and the carrots. That's an effort I should be in the habit of doing every day.

So, my brother and his wife came to stay at our house overnight. Alan's birthday is on Monday, so I decided to surprise him with the cookies that he really likes. And therefore, I ate a few.

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