Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 60: Back on Track

Breakfast: 1/4 c. homemade applesauce (Jenna ate the rest of what I had for myself...I tell you, she's an EATER!), egg, whole-wheat English muffin w/ applebutter
Lunch: Mexican LaZonya
Snack: banana, fresh pineapple
Dinner: 7-Layer bean dip w/ tortilla chips (2 servings). Yes, this IS a Zonya recipe! I also had probably 1 1/2 servings of Teddy Grahams, and a few more chips w/ salsa con queso.

Exercise: 30-minute walk around the neighborhood w/ my girls

To start off on a bit of a tangent, I love that I have homemade stuff that I can pull out of my pantry to eat. It's so much more rewarding eating applesauce or applebutter, or whatever, that I made and not from a jar I bought. I can't wait to put away more this coming fall. I can't wait for my garden, too! Really, I can hardly contain my excitement!

Today was a day to do what I need to do. I've slacked off horribly. My scale played at naughty trick on me this, morning, too. I first stepped on it and it was below 130. I stepped on it again, same thing. I thought, surely this isn't right!? A few minutes later I came back and it was up 7 pounds from my first little weigh-in. What? Now, I'm not concerned that the second reading was wrong, because it's probably right. But why did my scale change so drastically? Little scale, please don't play tricks on me or decide to give faulty readings!

I feel good about today. I did eat a bit too much at dinner time, but it was better than it's been. I still don't feel like I've got great focus, but I can only take it a day at a time. (And who has time while single parenting?? Sooo glad Randy will be back fairly soon!) Thanks, Tiff, for telling me that I've got to stop eating cookies. And thanks for your advice, too, Janae. I'm going to make it a goal to not eat treats alone anymore. I think that will help with my portion control.


Janae said...

So I LOVE 7 layer dip. When you have time, please post that recipe, if it's really yummy! Glad to be of help. :)

Vanessa said...

It sounds like you had a better day. I love 7 layer dip too! Are you a big canner? I would like to get a little more into it. My dad and Kristi gave us a pressure cooker for Christmas and it just sits there cause I am scared of it. So I think Scott and I are going to take one week or two out of the year and figure it out and can a whole bunch of things. Maybe?

P.S. Naughty Scale!!!