Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 75

Breakfast: oatmeal w/ milk & sugar, 2 slices turkey bacon, mandarin orange
Lunch: 2 turkey hotdogs on white buns, Salsa Verde Doritos, salad w/ lowfat rasperry vinagrette dressing
Snack: 3 choc & pb chip cookies, small handful of almonds
Dinner: Sticky Finger Rice Bowl (2/3 of it), some fries w/ ketchup--Wingers
Snack: carrot, banana, 1 cookie, 6 almonds

Exercise: short walk around the block w/ Jenna. I had good intentions today. My late-evening baking has gotten in my way this weekend. Last night it was cookies for Alan & I ended up staying up too late to get to the gym early this morning. Tonight, I was baking dessert for tomorrow's Easter dinner & couldn't get to the gym like I had planned. I can't feel too bad, though...Hitting the gym 4 times in a week is still good.

My appetite for sugar today was much lower today. I still had a few things, but I was around SO much more that I didn't even desire to eat (cupcakes, more Easter candy, etc.). It felt really good. In fact, I opted for the banana tonight instead of the Reese's pb cups on the counter--and I actually wanted the banana!

I did have a higher fat day than normal. I get acid reflux when I have too much fat, and I've had a bit tonight. Annoying as it is, it's nice to know that my body doesn't really like it & isn't used to it. That's a good thing.


Erin L said...

Don't you love it when you actually start preferring healthy foods!?!

Tammy said...

Well that would be a great deterent for eating fatty foods, heartburn! Grr... I hate it. I don't get it that much, but it was crazy bad with Bailey when I was pregnant! Glad you only get it with fatty foods.