Monday, March 10, 2008

Day 63: Blur

Breakfast 1: hard-boiled egg
Breakfast 2: 2 or 3 breakfast cookies...I was seriously so tired I don't know...
Lunch: 1 fajita, 2 Snickers minis
Snack: a few Cheddar Bunnies*, 1/2 of a banana
Dinner: 4 slices of pepperoni pizza, 2 breadsticks--Little Caesar's
Dessert: 2 cupcakes--no, make that 4 cupcakes

Exercise: 2.3 miles in 33 or 34 minutes, then ab exercises & leg weights

I think this is an accurate accounting of my day. Sydney woke up at 4am and got in our bed. I didn't sleep well at all the rest of the night. When I got up at 5:30am to go to the gym, Sydney was awake as ever. I'm not sure what her deal was. As an answer to prayer, she fell asleep on our way home from grocery shopping so I could get a nap. So, my day has been a bit of a blur.

*I've become increasing concerned about the snacks I give to my girls. I think Sydney has a cavity, which makes me want to really limit her sugar. I found the Annie's brand of snacks at the store today. They are made with whole-grain & are mostly organic. I really like the thought of giving my girls whole-grain snacks. It was a happy, feel good find for me.


Amanda said...

It's so hard getting kids to eat good snacks, for me anyways. What are chedder bunnies.....are they like goldfish crackers?

Keri said...

Yeah, they're like goldfish. I also got them bunny grahams, which are like teddy grahams.

Tiffany said...

Because of Devins allergy we have really done well on snacks at our house. I do shop the healt food, the cereals are so much better and still taste good just less sugar and usually natural, the kids love to eat fruit, fruit strips (all natural) and jerky as snacks, they think it is a huge treat.

Dustin and Angie said...

I've been thinking of the snacks we eat too. I finally went to the store and bought a ton of fruits. There are sitting in a bowl on the kitchen table so that they are always in view so that I might reach for those instead of candy.