Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 59: Survival Mode

Breakfast: whole-wheat English muffin w/ applebutter, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1/2 c. cottage cheese, peaches
Lunch: 6 cake cookies, Mexican 5-Bean Soup
Dinner: quarter pounder w/ cheese, fries--Wendy's
Dessert: 1/2 c. fat-free frozen yogurt w/ caramel & chocolate topping

Exercise: none...only because I can't leave my girls home alone while I go to the gym...(It happens when I have a traveling husband)...of course, I COULD do some other form...

Another not so great day. I actually lucky my girls and I are still alive. (Sydney's screaming and such are driving me nuts!!!) It's difficult for me to continue eating right when I don't make meals because Randy's gone. I have freezer meals that I've stored, but I eat those for lunch, too, so it gets old. I know I should do better, but at this point, I'm just hoping to survive the week. Just so you know, I'm not resigning...I just need to refocus & reread some of my great motivational/instructional books. Next on my list: Dr's Phil's Ultimate Weight Solution.


Janae said...

Do you like sandwiches? Have those for lunch instead of leftovers sometimes. You can make healthy sandwiches full of veggies that taste yummy.

here's some ideas: For me, if I eat right one day it's really hard, but then the days after get just remember that when you're ACHING for cookies. The feeling of control over what you eat is better than the feeling of overeating, although it takes more practice and discipline. Only eat treats/desserts when someone's there with you, even if it's just Sydney. It might help you to not eat so much if you know she's watching you. Eat sitting down, and really savor each bite. I mentioned
"The Skinny" book--I finished it, and it has REALLY helped me to eat more nutritiously.

Anyway, just keep surviving. I know how hard it is to have your husband gone!

P.S. Does your gym have childcare? That's worked well for me. I can sleep in, then take the kids at 9am or so to the gym while I work out, and we're all happy.

Vanessa said...

I eat like crud when Scott goes out of town, luckily its not very often! Don't get discouraged, You have had a pretty good week of exercise and eating. Don't give up! I can't wait to join you guys on the down hill!

Amanda said...

I'm awful about eating when Jeremy is gone too. It just doesn't seem worth it to make a meal, so I eat cereal and sandwiches, and the girls love mac & cheese or ramen noodles. Yuck! I hope he gets home soon for you! It's the pits when the men are gone!