Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 54: All Teddy Grahamed Out!

Pre: a few ounces of white grape juice
Breakfast: honey-nut cheerios w/ milk, banana, 1 slice turkey bacon
Lunch: Kickin' Chicken w/ fries, green beans, 19 chocolate chip Teddy Grahams (24 is a serving)
Snack: baby carrots w/ ranch dressing, Teddy Grahams (not sure how many)
Dinner: (at Randy's sister's house) salad w/ ranch dressing, green beans (I think they were buttered. Why do people do that??), lasagna, garlic bread
Dessert: chocolate cupcake, 1/2 c. or less of strawberry ice cream
Snack: more Teddy Grahams

Exercise: 3 miles on the treadmill in 45 minutes. I went to the gym by myself today, and I was so bored after 20 minutes that I just had to do it to make it go quicker...JOG, that is! I did it for a few minutes, then slowed to a walk for a few minutes (my heart needed it!), then jogged again. It felt so good the second time!

I was so hungry today. I couldn't get enough to eat tonight. I'm still hungry & could eat--anything but more Teddy Grahams, that is! Oh, and I didn't weigh and measure myself today. I was definitely up after dinner last night, so I'll give myself a few days to get back on track. I was also in a super big hurry between working out and getting to my gardening class, so I didn't have time to do it even if I had wanted to.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I am so impressed with your exercise! Keep it up!