Monday, April 21, 2008

Day 15

Breakfast: egg, 1/2 grapefruit, ff yogurt w/ granola
Lunch: pb & honey on ww, V8, apple
Snack: less than a serving of Teddy Grahams, handful of almonds
Dinner: 7-Layer Burrito, Nachos Bell Grande--Taco Bell

Exercise: none

I feel like I need to justify myself a little bit. I had been staying up late last week while Randy was gone (since I didn't have to wake up early to hit the gym) and my sleep pattern has left me very tired. In addition to getting to bed late and not being able to fall asleep, my girls also had me up multiple times last night. I was up at 5:30am with Sydney, but I opted to sleep some more.

Dinner...We had planned to bbq, but we had our downstairs carpets cleaned today. (Talk about a long, boring day being banished upstairs! We even packed our lunch to eat upstairs.) All of our furniture from our front room and living room was in our kitchen, so it was quite the turn-off on wanting to do anything in the kitchen for both Randy and I. I overate big time, and now I feel sick. At least I won't be having no-bakes today & I got 2 fruits in!

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