Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 17

Breakfast: ww English muffin w/ applebutter, 2 slices turkey bacon, fruit & yogurt smoothie
Lunch: Buffalo Chicken Sub, fries w/ ketchup, sip of Sydney's fruit punch from Charley's Hot Subs--definitely a yucky lunch. My sub was so spicy that it was horrible. And the fruit punch, blech!! I so wish I had chosen somewhere else to eat!
Snack: 1 orange truffle, 1 lemon truffle, fresh from See's Candies--I never really cared for these until I was pregnant with Sydney. Now fruit truffles are what I prefer. They are so much better than caramels that I used to love!
Dinner: spaghetti, salad, strawberries--SO good and it hit the spot! The strawberries were amazing, the salad was great, and the spaghetti was incredible. It was so easy to prepare because I had some noodles already cooked and frozen from a previous meal, and the sauce was extra from the LaZonya I make--which is SO good. It was packed full of veggies and was a refreshing treat from the nasty lunch I had.
Snack: 7 pretzel sticks, glass of strawberry milk

Exercise: 1.5 miles in 25 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the rowing machine, and 10? minutes of abs & arms

I'm all commented out from saying so much about my food today!

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