Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 4

Breakfast: Mushroom Tomato Fritatta, strawberries, milk
Snack: banana
Lunch: turkey loaf, 1/2 tomato
Snack: yogurt
Dinner: Chicken Veggie Soup
Dessert: a dozen chocolate & pb chip cookies

Exercise: 1.5 miles in 26 minutes, stretching, 25 minutes of abs

My day went well. I ended up working on a client's accounting & taxes for about 4 1/2 hours this afternoon. By the time I was done, it was 5:30pm and I hadn't even started dinner. I got the soup going & then made cookies. I had only planned on having 1 or 2, but you know how I am with my cookies. And I was starving from not having dinner done at the normal time. I hadn't had any other bread-type carbs today, so having 1 cookie would have been okay. I went overboard, but all is not lost. According to Zonya, it is good to have a day where it doesn't matter. So today was that day for me. Back on the train tomorrow.

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