Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 9

Breakfast: 2 slices turkey bacon, fruit & yogurt smoothie (first time in a long time that I actually got to eat a full serving...I normally give Sydney about half of it), 1/2 ww English muffin w/ applebutter
Lunch: Baked Lays potato chips, green chile dip, 9 3-Muskateers Mint (7 is a serving)
Dinner: oven baked lentils & rice, raw veggies w/ ff dip, fresh pineapple
Snack: more chips & dip, no-bakes

Exercise: 2 miles in 31 minutes, running for 5 of those, 20 or so minutes of abs, but I was so tired that I was just laying there part of the time. I also was showing Merri and Tammy that I used to be able to do the splits. I went down further than I anticipated, and heard & felt a yucky popping noise. My hip has hurt throughout the day, and I feel like I pulled muscles in my leg. So much for being flexible! I hope it starts to feel better soon.

We got home at 10:30 last night from the game. I got to bed at 11, but couldn't fall asleep until at least 11:30pm because my legs were hurting from walking so fast back to the car. I was awakened 2 times in the night--once by Jenna, and once by the wind blowing our blinds & me needing to close windows. I was awake at 5:30am, but sure struggled to get myself up to go to the gym. I was so tired all day. Lunch was a result of being just plain tired and hungry, and that's what there was right there to eat before I went to take a nap. At least I had a healthy dinner!...although I disappointed myself with my evening snacking. Will I ever be able to do it? I feel so weak...


Amber said...

you can do it. to curb my evening snacking I don't have anything to snack on in the house, and sometimes i eat a little extra at dinner. I figure it is a little better than eating something not so healthy later that night.

Rolyndia said...

I love that you are keeping a journal. It is such a great idea.

I have found that I tell myself not to eat anything after dinner. I have done pretty good with that, don't get me wrong once in a while, my Organic Carmal Swirl Frozen Yogurt calls my name.

Good luck on your weight loss, you can do it!!