Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 19

Breakfast: egg, fresh strawberries & banana slices, malt-o-meal w/ 1/2 t. sugar & milk
Lunch: hamburger minus buns (I wrapped it in a big lettuce leaf, and it was great!), salad, 1/2 serving of Chocolate Bunny Grahams
Snack: cheese stick, mandarin orange
Dinner: Blackened Chicken Alfredo, 2 pieces of garlic toast, 3/4 of a slice of Asphalt Pie--Wingers

Exercise: 45 minutes or so of Pilates.--I did a 15 minute workout, then another one that shows you how to do certain things correctly. It's about 40 or 45 minutes long, but Sydney was demanding help & attention, so I had to cut it short.

For breakfast, I tried to eat slower. I started to feel full, so I didn't eat the last little bit of my malt-o-meal. I still need to eat much slower, but this was a start. I normally finish up every little bit of food I have. I also didn't drink any water...I've been told that liquids stretch out your stomach & make you eat more. I'm a bit of a skeptic on that, but I'm going to try it out. At least I felt full after my yummy breakfast. (Hooray for great tasting strawberries!) We had an adults only Brothers & Sisters dinner at Wingers tonight. It was so nice to converse, laugh, and enjoy everyone's company without worrying about kids!


Tim & Nancy said...

I am going to throw in my two cents. Water doesn't stretch your stomach it passes through too quickly and it does make you feel fuller and without it you can't lose weight because it flushes out the by products of fat breakdown along with other waste and toxins. And besides that you are working out a lot and your muscles and body need water to rehydrate from the sweating. So I would throw that misinformation out the window and drink up!! - nancy

Keri said...

Thanks, Nancy! Like I said, I was skeptical of that information. How can water possibly be bad?

Tammy said...

Sadly the meniscus tear is what I did have surgery on. It was on my left knee which is still the one that causes me the most trouble. I do have similar pain in both knees though. I know that I probably will eventually will need surgery, but hopefully it can wait until I get pregnant. Then I will have a good excuse not to be running. Oh well.